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Teach Your Children These 10 Basic Safety Rules Right Away!

Teach Your Children These 10 Basic Safety Rules Right Away!

For many parents, the safety of their children is their first apprehension, regardless of where their children spend their time. To ensure the safety of your kid at all times, you must provide constant parental advice. Establishing a few ground rules for children’s safety might be helpful in these types of situations.

There is no need to worry if you are unsure how to create these rules. To guarantee your child’s safety, read on to learn about basic safety rules by a renowned Sharjah international school that can be taught at home and school:

Basic contact information, such as the name and parents’ phone numbers, as well as the address of your home.

It’s important that your child knows how to provide your cell phone number to a friend or family member in the event of an emergency. It’s imperative to know where your house is, as well as any notable landmarks in the area. Encourage your child to practise them at home so that they can remember them. You may also want to assist your child in remembering a phone number to contact in case of an emergency.

If a stranger offers you food, don’t eat it!

Teaching your child about the hazards of consuming food provided by a stranger is essential. Your child should never consume a treat from someone they don’t know, no matter how appetising it may seem. Teach your child that accepting food from anybody is harmful. In the event that food is being offered to you or your guests without your knowledge or permission, instruct them to respectfully decline.

Keep your feet on the ground.

If your child is playing a game of catch and the ball flies into an area within a fence, do not allow them to climb the barrier. Climbing over a fence to get something is a bad idea for your child. In the event of an emergency like this, your child should seek the assistance of a responsible adult, but never approach a fence.

Take care: Don’t leave the yard alone.

Do not allow your child to go out of your yard on their own, since this is a violation of safety rule number 4. If your child has to leave the house for any reason, you or a trusted adult should always be present.

Experimenting or playing about with fire is strictly prohibited under the fifth safety rule.

Regardless of whether or not you’re at home, your child should know that playing with fire is strictly forbidden. Your child may only be in the vicinity of a fire if you are there and have given your consent. Make sure that all the fire extinguishers in your home are out of the reach of your children.

Always stay away from strangers.

It doesn’t matter what the reason is; your kid should know that it’s never safe to go anywhere with a stranger. Whenever a stranger tells your child, “Your mom wants you to come with me immediately,” advise them to remain there and call for assistance. You should always send a relative, such as a grandmother or an aunt, to be with your child in case of an emergency, rather than a stranger.

Teaching your child about this guideline as soon as they can comprehend the fundamentals is vital for their safety. 

Emphasise excellent and bad touch in your lessons. Tell your child that the only people who are authorised to touch them are mommy and, if necessary, papa. Your child should instantly call for aid if someone else has touched them.

Stay where you are if you get lost.

Make it clear to your child that if they get lost, they must remain where they are. They may ask for assistance from another mom with children if they notice one nearby. Even if your child is with the other mom, they should remain in the house. The supermarket is the most prevalent area where children become lost. Tell your child that if they become lost at a shop, they can just go up to the receptionist and say so.

Do not give out your personal information to anybody unless in the case of an emergency.

Educating your child on the dangers of giving out personal information to strangers should be a top priority. Unless you provide your permission or are present, no information should be shared.

Summing Up

As soon as your child is ready to understand, begin teaching them about these fundamental guidelines of child protection. As early as three years old, you may begin teaching your child a few basic skills before considering the list of Indian schools in Sharjah. Be careful to use language that is suitable for your child’s age while speaking to them. This will encourage your child to open up to you about their feelings and thoughts.


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