
Narcolepsy is a persistent sleep disorder that is characterize by excessive daytime sleepiness as well as sleep disturbances. Patients suffering from narcolepsy have difficulty staying awake. Difficult to remain awake for prolonged durations for long periods of time, no matter situation. The condition can cause a variety of issues in your daily life.

Narcolepsy is usually accompany by the absence of muscular tone (cataplexy) that is cause by strong emotions. Cataplexy-inducing narcolepsy is refer to as the type 1 form of Narcolepsy type 1. The type 2 form of narcolepsy is one which doesn’t cause cataplexy.

Narcolepsy can be dived into two categories:

  • The most common one is Type 1. One of the signs is cataplexy or the sudden decrease in muscle strength. The drowsiness and cataplexy can be cause by low levels of protein know as hypocretin. (Orexin is a different term of hypocretin.)
  • The absence of cataplexy indicates the condition as type 2 Narcolepsy. The levels of hypocretin in patients with type 2 narcolepsy tend to be normal.


The symptoms and signs of narcolepsy could get worse during the initial several years. But they’ll continue for the rest duration of the life. These are:

Drooling during the entire day. People suffering from narcolepsy be asleep at odd time and locations. For instance, you could you are working or talking with your friends and sleep for anywhere from between a couple of minutes and one-half hour. When you first awake, you feel rejuvenated, but soon get back to sleep. Modalert and Modvigil tablets can assist in this regard.

In the course of the day, you could be noticing a decrease in alertness and concentration. Drowsiness during the day is often the first sign of a problem and can be the most irritating and makes it difficult to concentrate and perform at a normal level.

Common Symptoms

  • Sleep disturbances

The patients with the illness might have trouble sleeping at night, but then experience uncontrollable sleepiness throughout the daytime. The patients with the disease don’t rest more than they do, however, their sleep patterns are erratic and fluctuating during the day and at night.

  • Excessive daytime sleepiness

EDS excessive Daytime Sleepiness, is the most frequently report symptom of narcolepsy and is closely associate with exhaustion. EDS is a constant fatigue which causes poor focus and fatigue. It could be interrupt by brief periods that are “micro sleep,” in which people sleep for a short amount of time, without even realizing that they are asleep, and may not interrupt their normal work activities, like working or driving.

Muscle tone abruptly lost.

Cataplexy (KAT-uh-plea-see) can be describe as an illness that can cause diverse bodily dysfunctions that range from slurred speech up to muscle weakness. It can be present for as long as a couple of minutes.

There are many kinds of cataplexy that include exhilaration and laughter, as well as terror, excitement and fury. For instance, if you laugh, your head might be swaying uncontrollably or your knees might be sunk suddenly.

People with narcolepsy could experience a few episodes of cataplexy every year, while others experience numerous episodes throughout the day. Cataplexy is not the sole manifestation of narcolepsy that is common to everyone.

While Sleeping

Patients suffering with narcolepsy may have difficulty speaking or moving after falling asleep or getting up. These episodes are usually brief (a couple of moments or even minutes) but they can be frightening. Although you didn’t have any influence on what happened however, you might be aware of what happened and not have any trouble recalling the incident afterward.

This type sleeping paralysis can be compare in nature to the temporary paralysis that occurs when you are in fast eye movements (REM) sleeping. The immobility of REM sleep can prevent your body’s ability to perform dreams.

Narcolepsy is not always accompanied by sleep paralysis. A lot of people who don’t suffer from narcolepsy experience episodes that cause sleep paralysis.

Eye movement rapid (REM)

In REM sleep the majority of dreams happen. For those who suffer from narcolepsy, REM sleep can occur at any time of day. People with narcolepsy typically transition into REM sleep quickly, often within 15 minutes of having fallen asleep.


Since you might not be asleep completely as you begin to dream and seeing your dreams as real the hallucinations could be extremely vivid and frightening. When they’re trigger by sleep, they’re know as hallucinations hypnagogic. If they’re induce through waking and waking, they are refer to as hallucinations hypnopompic. If this occurs you may experience the sensation of that someone else is in your bedroom.

Sodium Oxybate

Xyrem is approve by the FDA as the only treatment option for cataplexy and excessive sleepiness. However, there are advantages and disadvantages to talking to your physician about it. Intoxication, nausea and sadness are all possible adverse consequences.

The pitolisant kind is call the Wakix (pitolisant). Narcolepsy was recently recognize as a treatments by FDA. In releasing histamines to the cerebral cortex, Wakix can reduce the amount of sleepiness that occurs during the daytime. Alongside nausea and headaches Other possible negative effects include insomnia and anxiety. To alleviate it, you can take Modalert 200 or Modvigil 200.

Treatment options for Narcolepsy

Narcolepsy is a chronic sleep disorder that can last for a long time. Treatments can help control your symptoms even if there’s no cure.

This condition can be control by taking medications, making lifestyle changes and by avoiding hazardous activities.

There are a myriad of medications that treat the symptoms of narcolepsy. These include:


Armodafinil (Nuvigil), modafinil (Provigil) and Methylphenidate are among them (Ritalin). This drug has a number of adverse reactions, such as headaches, nausea, and anxiety. The three can all aid in staying alert.

Some of the side effects are digestive problems as well as sleeplessness and weight growth. Venlafaxine (Effexor) is a treatment for hallucinations, cataplexy or sleep paralysis.

Inhibitors of serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake

In SSRIs serotonin is block from being absorb (SSRIs). You might also be able to have a better sleep and feel more relaxed in the event that you take an SSRI like the fluoxetine (Prozac). It is possible to experience light-headedness and dry mouth however.

Tricyclic antidepressants are tricyclic

Nortriptyline and amitriptyline are just two of them. Sleep paralysis, cataplexy, and hallucinations could be lessen. Dry mouth, constipation and retention of urine are potential adverse side effects from these older medications.

Sodium oxybate

The FDA has granted Xyrem approval as the only treatment for cataplexy and extreme morning drowsiness. It would be helpful by discussing the benefits and drawbacks of this medication with your physician. In addition to sadness, nausea or thirst there could be many other potential adverse consequences.


Wakix releases histamines to the brain, decreasing the amount of drowsiness experienced during the day. The FDA just accepted it as a therapy for Narcolepsy. There are a variety of side effects that can occur such as nausea, headaches as well as anxiety and insomnia.


Narcolepsy-related issues aren’t easy to deal with. The excessive drowsiness can be a source of stress and you can easily cause harm to yourself or others being affect. However, you are able to manage the issue. You can keep your health by obtaining the correct diagnosis and working with your physician to find the right treatment to treat you and adhering to the guidelines above. Modalert, Modalert 200, Modvigil, Modvigil 200, and Modalert 200 Australia tablets are a great aid in this.


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